Each of my travels has come with a lesson learned and an adventure. From these experiences, I’ve learned to always prepare for the unexpected. Last week, I visited Bangkok to attend the Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) 2025, which…
Two years of working internationally while attaining other certifications gave me richer insights to navigate my career direction. This career break gives me more opportunities to direct my incoming career paths as well as my personal life. I captured…
Why I enrolled the PLC? I started my Public Leadership Credential (PLC) at Harvard Kennedy School when I embarked on my international experience. I was the COVID-19 Vaccine Preparedness consultant at the WHO Representative Office in Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam,…
In 2002, I learned about the Standing Committee on Medical Education Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (SCOME CIMSA). It is one of the six standing committees of CIMSA. It was a new organization of medical students in addition…
I got my DAAD Scholarship a decade ago, in 2012-2013. I got my master’s study within a year in 3 universities in Germany (main campus Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin), Norway (University of Bergen), and The Philippines (Ateneo de Manila…
Global Pediatric Curricula Survey : IMCI within Global Curricula Fina Hidayati Tams, Madarina JuliaFaculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Background: The World Health Organisation (WHO) introduced Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) in 1997 as a broad…
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In February 2019, Indonesia notified WHO of a polio outbreak in Papua province following detection of cVDPV1 from an Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) case and two additional healthy children who had genetic divergence of 61nt and 58nt…
The Indonesian Technical Advisory Group for Immunization (ITAGI) membership is renewed every three years. In the last year, the ITAGI has conducted several activities together with national stakeholders that include building institutional relationships and formalizing the post-recommendation process with…
Joint National and International Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) and Vaccine Preventable Disease Surveillance (VPDS) Review in Indonesia 10-18 Feb2020
Joint National and International Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) and Vaccine Preventable Disease Surveillance (VPDS) Review in Indonesia 10-18 Feb2020 Sigrun Roesel, WHO SEARO and Fina Tams, WHO Country Office Indonesia Indonesia has many achievements in immunization, including having…