

Indonesia is a big big country with 34 provinces. In this post i would like to highlights the provinces i have visited, when and for what occasion i visited the provinces. Here we go

1. Nanggro Aceh Darussalam 😊 : i visited NAD only once in December 2008 for work purpose and of course a little leisure time after the completion of the work. At that time i worked as field researcher for UNICEF’s The Impact Evaluation on Health and Water Sanitation. We were team of four people who did the household survey. We visited the village leaders and house holds in the area affected by tsunami then we asked them with the questionnaire. The study was published online few years back. The work tooks around 20 days to complete and after the completion of the work, we had an escapade to Sabang island where we had snorkling and visited the zero km monument of Indonesia.

2. North Sumatera 😊 : i visited this province several times for work. It was 2014 when i visited for a TB pilot project of KNCV Indonesia named “Temukan, Pisahkan dan Obati” TemPO, which is part of the infection control. Then, i visited again in 2015 for the monitoring and part of the work plan development since there was vacant province coordinator. The next visit were related to current work. Monitoring of START project, a pilot project to strengthen Routine Immunization. I have the chance to visit Medan, its province capital and also 4 districts i.e. South, North and Central Tapanuli and also Padang Sidempuan. I have also visited Toba Lake, the biggest lake in Indonesia as well as South East Asia.
3. West Sumatera 😊 : it was late 2002 when i visited Padang for CIMSA meeting. Then i visited again this city and also Bukit tinggi for work. We had monitoring of public private mix (PPM) of TB in the reporting and treatment to increase TB case detection and cure.
4. Riau 😊 : it was also for CIMSA meeting but definitely i forget when. I remembered that we crossed the sea to have the opening ceremony
5. Riau island 😊 : it was for work in Batam in 2011. We had a training on Emergency and Disaster when i was working with EHA Unit WHO. I did not miss the opportunity to cross to Singapore when we had a weekend escapade. Owh, i remembered i had a back pain after long walk and i need a bed rest half day before flying back to Jakarta
6. South Sumatera 😊 : It was also part of work when i joined EHA unit WHO. We had a Training for Trainer (TOT) on Emergency and Disaster in 2011. Then i visited again in 2015 for work again. Monitoring of Switching tOPV to bOPV as part of Global Polio Endgame strategies. I visited two districts during the monitoring. Then i had another visit as speaker in IDAI advocacy meeting on Immunization and VPD Surveillance.
7. Lampung 😊 : it was just recently when i got my vitamin Sea. I had a private tour snorkling all day
8.DKI Jakarta ❤ : this is the current city i am living at.
9. West Java 😊 : visited several time in Bandung for work and leisure time
10.Banten 😊 : well not much travel. Only to the airport and visiting friend for meeting
11. Central Java ❤ : Solo, where i was born and raised. I stayed from the first day i was born until i finished senior high school. Then i moved to Jogya for my medical school. I also visited Semarang, Purwodadi, Banyumas, Purwakarta, Purworejo and others
12. Special Territory of Yogyakarta ❤️ : I stayed in 2002-2009 for my medical studies
13. East Java 😊 : I visited the first time for CIMSA meeting in Batu, Malang. Then i visited again for work : KNCV Annual meeting in Batu Malang and EHA WHO Staff Retreat in Surabaya. I had the chance to visit Bromo mountain to see the sunrise. What a spectacular view.
14. Bali 😊: first time visit was a holiday with friends 2010. I remembered when i had my iphone damaged due to the sea water. 😅..The next visit was for regional meeting on TB survey in 2014. Then i had Polio NID monitoring in 2016
15. West Kalimantan 😊 : I visited in 2016 during integrated measles crash program monitoring. I had the chance to visit my best friend’s family, visited friend and we went to Khatulistiwa monumen
16. West Sulawesi 😊 : it was part of work. For Switching tOPV to bOPV monitoring
17. South Sulawesi 😊 : It was part of works. First time visit was for TemPO meeting in the hospital. The second visit was for Polio NID monitoring. Then i had another two meeting which were IDAI advocacy and VPD surveillance review meeting. I also had a review of CRS meeting in Wahidin hospital and continued with monitoring of Switching tOPV to bOPV
18. Maluku 😊 : it was part of Polio NID monitoring in 2016
19. Papua 😊 : it was intensive visit to this province due to Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination (MNTE) preparation and validation exercise in 2015-2016. Several meeting and field visit to Paniai and Yahukimo. Would like to write more on this when i have more time.
I still want to visit the other 15 provinces in Indonesia i.e. Jambi, Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu, West and East Nusa Tenggara; Central, South, East and North Kalimantan; North Sulawesi, Central and Southeast Sulawesi; Gorontalo, North Maluku and West Papua. Hopefully i have the chances to visit soon. 🙏🏻

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